
Poetry in the Catalan language in the País Valencià has been defined in thelatest years by the consolidation of some authors and the continuous appearance of new voices of different stylistic and aesthetical orientations. In this essay a panorama of these facts appears, framed in [...]


An immersion programme is an integrating educational curriculum, which aims to increase and not to reduce knowledge, and on no account tries to replace the family language of the student. Provided the teachers follow suitable pedagogic guidelines, they will encourage the students' [...]


1993 was the centenary celebration of the death of writer, journalist and politician Carmel Navarro Llombart, more commonly known by his pseudonym Constantí Llombart. The speech by Vicent Ventura at the celebration organized by the University of Valencia takes a look at the highlights [...]


La toponímia no és només la manera de denominar un lloc, sinó que és la representació d’aquest a través dels valors, creences, actituds, etc. Per tant, la morfologia que presente un topònim concret vindrà determinada per la llengua que el vehicule i per altres factors culturals. [...]


Abstract: The use of Catalan has been restricted to rural areas in the País Valencià. This fact hinders it form becoming an adequate language for communication in our present industrial society. The author proposes the active linguistic fidelity to improve this situation.


Abstract: Brief comments on the doctorate thesis and dissertations read in the Universitites of Valencia from 1982 to 1986, which dealt with any aspect of Catalan Philology or any topics related to it.