
The planning process in a planning studio demonstrates a microcosm of diverse concepts of ideologies and identities seeking acknowledgment and spatial recognition. In the modern world of multiple and dynamic identities and ideologies, aspiring for the self-recognition of regions, [...]


Περίληψη: Αυτή η διπλωματική εισάγει, για πρώτη φορά στη βιβλιογραφία, την χρήση υπεργράφων για την ταχεία δημιουργία αποτελεσματικών συνασπισμών αυτόνομων [...]


Multi-criteria evaluation methods are often used for sustainability assessment. One such method is the Multi-criteria Spider-gram Cumulative Surface Area (MCSA score) recently used for this purpose (Nzila et al., Multi-criteria sustainability assessment of biogas production in Kenya. [...]