Global access to knowledge is one of the most interesting challenges for librarians at the moment. Network cooperation at the local, regional, national and international level is essential to achieve this goal. The Ministry of Culture’s library policy in recent years has allowed [...]Abstract
This article presents the educational role of jointuse libraries as a suitable model of cooperation. Its integrated character allows it to become a platform of convergence for libraries with an educational function in order to effectively administer and manage information services, [...]Abstract
The article presents the characteristics of the Instituto Cervantes Library Network in relation with the cooperation existing between them, as well as the two main projects under development. Firstly, there is an introduction to the frame of action of the 61 special libraries as an [...]Abstract
Does library cooperation become the safeguard of a State that cannot adequately support its institutions or is it an inexhaustible means of professional and organizational enrichment? Undoubtably, cooperation between libraries optimizes resources, which in developing countries are [...]Abstract
Interview with Lluís Anglada, director of the Consortium of University Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC). Among other topics, the current and the future situation of libraries, the role of library consortia, the evolution of CBUC and OCLC, and the open access policies are discussed.Abstract
Library cooperation in Germany is a tradition that predates the emergence of internet. This is explained partly by the absence of a “classic” National Library, as a single central institution. This absence has been replaced by the three major German libraries, which have distributed [...]Abstract
The development of the Geobibline database is described. Historically, traditional databases were created using bibliographic methods usually carried out by a single institution, but in recent decades multiple libraries have often cooperated to create joint catalogues. This is the [...]