
This work aims to perform a comparative analysis between the Hec-RAS and IBER models, in the hydraulic evaluation of rivers with structures such as bridges. The case of application was the La Guardia creek, located in the road that communicates the cities of Barquisimeto-Quíbor, [...]


Iber es un modelo numérico bidimensional de simulación de flujo turbulento en lámina libre en régimen no-permanente, y de procesos medioambientales en hidráulica fluvial. Desde el lanzamiento de la primera versión, que incluía un [...]


Approximately 70,000 Spanish off-stream reservoirs, many of them irrigation ponds, need to be evaluated in terms of their potential hazard to comply with the new national Regulation of the Hydraulic Public Domain. This requires a great engineering effort to evaluate different scenarios [...]


Floods produce enormous human and material losses every year. Evaluating their extent and severity, and especially simulating possible future scenarios can improve the response, mitigation and prevention of the effects of this phenomenon. This paper presents a methodology to reproduce [...]