
Lope de Vega’s late poem «Ayer vi la librería» appears at first sight to be a laudatory description of King Felipe IV’s personal library. Upon close inspection, and within the broader context of book history in Spain, the poem brings to light a quiet ambivalence about book [...]


This essay reviews the controversy over the political interpretations of Calderón’s mythological play, El mayor encanto, amor. While a number of scholars perceive a critique of the Count-Duke of Olivares through the characterization of the witch Circe, others deny such an interpretation [...]


The present work gives a possible explanation for the disappearance of El primer blasón católico de España, a sacramental play of Calderón that was performed in 1662 and of which not a single trace is left. Parting from the title, and supposedly in contrast [...]


El mayor encanto amor includes an enigmatic character that is almost hidden in this spectacle play.Timanthes, who only speaks some twenty lines in the play, represents an onomastic mnemonics, as his name reminds a learned spectator of the famous painter of classical antiquity. Calderón [...]


El desdén, con el desdén (Agustín Moreto 1652-1653), es una comedia escrita para ser representada en el Salón de la virtud de Felipe IV, cuestión que había permanecido inédita hasta la fecha. En este artículo analizamos este asunto en relación a la importancia que adquiere [...]


Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII, ambas ramas de la dinastía Habsburgo atravesaron importantes crisis sucesorias que tuvieron destacadas consecuencias político-diplomáticas a nivel internacional. La imperiosa necesidad de que los soberanos de la Casa de Austria tuvieran [...]