
A gap in the durability assessment of thermal mortars applied in multi-layer systems was observed. The existing standardisation for the durability assessment of hardened mortars does not include a consistent evaluation of thermal coatings applied in multilayer systems, which motivated [...]


La industria aeronáutica, en su búsqueda de soluciones más eficientes en peso cada vez emplea más materiales compuestos debido a sus propiedades específicas. Sin embargo, éstos son vulnerables ante cargas perpendiculares [...]


One of the failures with significant practical repercussions in structural elements made of laminated composite materials is the formation and growth of interlaminar cracks (delamination) under static and dynamic [...]


The durability of concrete depends not only on the composition of the material and its resulting porosity, but also on the environmental conditions. Contact between concrete or cement mortars with water and soils containing sulphates, of a natural, biological origin or deriving from [...]


Fruit packaging is highly impactful in temperature and humidity distribution for post-harvest fresh fruit cooling and conservation. It is also the most flexible part on fruit production and should be able to increase shelf-life by deterring adverse conditions. However, packaging thermal [...]


The paper deals with the strengthening of thin masonry vaults by means of a CRM (Composite Reinforced Mortar) strengthening technique based on Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) meshes embedded in a 30 mm thick mortar matrix, applied at the vault extrados or intrados and [...]


This paper aims to investigate the effects of geometrical imperfections on the response of a scaled dry-joint arch to the vertical displacement of one support. The arch behaviour was analysed in the large displacement regime using both physical and numerical [...]