
This article tries to outline the general background of grammatical studies in Catalan by the end of the 19th century and beginnings of the 20th century, while phocusing on the work of the Valencian grammarian Josep Nebot i Pérez, his linguistic ideology and his interesting proposal [...]


By studying step by step, from beginnig to end, Father Fullana's grammatical studies, Prof. Simbor offers the reader the possibility of following the ideological evolution of this outstanding Valencian grammarian during three main periods: A unitarian one (1902-1915), a secessionist [...]


This article studies Sanchis Guarner's Gramàtica Valenciana, trying to assess its relevant contribution, referring not only to the author's ideology and established goal, but also to its historical context and to its Catalan as well as Valencian precedents, like Fabra on one side, [...]


It is a well known fact that school manuals' of the 18th and 19th centuries centred on the teaching of Rhetoric are closely linked with those geared towards the study of language in general and of Grammar in particular. The article, based on the work by Marcet-Solà, shows the relevance [...]


As this paper tries to show, the association between the terms Catalan and llemosí, traditionally used in an indiscriminate way when mainly referring to Catalan, was clearly revised and corrected by the middle of the 19th century both in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, but not [...]