
The present paper is a proposal of socio-economic sustainability of the water resource of the Magdalena lagoon in the Atillo lake complex of the Sangay National Park in the province of Chimborazo, by means of the indirect method of travel costs. In this study, spatial indicators of [...]


Transportation is vital to economic and social development, but at the same time generates undesired consequences on local, regional, and global scales. One of the largest challenges is the mitigation of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, to which this sector already contributes [...]


On-road electric vehicle recharging infrastructure is essential in the transformation of electric vehicles into a practical transportation option. This study focuses upon assessing the need for recharging infrastructure for long distance travel for a large market share of electric [...]


As extensively discussed by other scholars, there is a growing awareness that the integration of land use and transport (LUT) planning is a crucial prerequisite for the transition towards more sustainable transport patterns and urban development that foster interaction between people, [...]


Public transport is one of the main actors of sustainable transportation. To make an increase in the use of public transport systems and a decrease in private car usage are one of the main purposes of decision makers in many countries. Usage of public transport system has a strong [...]


Disruption of infrastructure services can cause significant social and economic losses, particularly in the event of a natural disaster. The World Bank Group and the Government of Japan established the Quality Infrastructure Investment Partnership to focus attention on the quality [...]


Although urban development around transit stations doesn’t lead to a direct financial contribution for the Transit Agency (or other infrastructure or planning body) it is “absolutely essential” to the long term viability of the transit investment (SKMG 1996, p. 4). The transit [...]


Electric Vehicles (EVs) embody a number of technical innovations which have the capacity to make substantial contributions to prominent societal objectives associated with improving energy security, increasing energy efficiency, promoting low-carbon mobility and reducing local air [...]


The energy strategy 2050 of Switzerland is aiming at a substantial reduction of the consumption of not renewable energy and of energy sources, which are harmful for the climate, the environment and humans. The research project “Energy efficient and CO2-free Urban Logistics” [...]


This paper maps out recent trends in transportation, communication and mobility, against the background of the need for comparative research on a Transatlantic basis. Particular attention is given to the importance of the ICT sector. Questions on comparability and transferability [...]