Millions of international migrants are living in Russia today. This paper, based on Rosstat’s “Selective Observation of Migrant Labor” survey conducted in 2019, provides an econometric comparative analysis of the labor market situation for migrants arriving to Russia since 1992 vs. the local population. The migrants’ situation is compared by multiple indicators, depending on the duration of their residence in Russia – less than one year; one to five years; 5 years or more. It is demonstrated that the migration has no statistically significant effect on the availability of paid employment. At the same time, the sectoral structure of employment, as well as the structure of employment in terms of occupational groups, show significant differences depending on the period of migrants’ stay in Russia. Recent migrants, living in Russia for less than 5 years, are significantly more likely to work in construction and trade, and much less likely to go into healthcare, education, or public administration, compared to those who have been living in Russia for more than 5 years. At the same time, old-timer migrants are much more likely to be middle or top-level specialists, or to hold managerial positions. The most notable differences between the situations of recent and old-timer migrants, as well as the locals, can be observed in labor relations between the employee and the employer. All other things being equal, recent migrants are significantly more likely to have no formal employment contract, as opposed to old-timer migrants or the locals. The longer the migrants stay in Russia, the more they adapt to the Russian labor market, and with a sufficiently long period of residence, the labor market shows almost no difference between the situations of migrants and the locals
Millions of international migrants are living in Russia today. This paper, based on [...]
The relevance of the study is determined by the current Russian agenda in the field of personnel advanced training and retraining in connection with the change in technological priorities and the policy of 'import substitution'. The objects of observation were the programs of advanced training and professional retraining of workers, employees and mid-level specialists being implemented in the regions of Russia and the organizations providing these programs. The purpose of the study is to identify the state and trends in the development of the system of personnel with applied qualifications advanced training and professional retraining in the context of transformations in the qualification demand in regional labor markets. The research tools included indicators that characterize various aspects of the implementation process and results of additional professional programs for personnel with applied qualifications. To describe the structure of data and their distributions, dynamic and structural analysis, mapping and other tools of descriptive statistics were used. Main results. Inter-regional differences and intra-regional disproportions in the field of additional professional education and training of workers and mid-level specialists in Russia are revealed. Significant disproportions in the employment structures of the regions in the context of workers categories and contingents of advanced training and retraining programs for personnel with applied qualifications have been established. A rating of subjects of the Russian Federation to the Structural Imbalance Index, which fixes the level of mismatch between the coverage of additional professional programs for workers and mid-level specialists and their place in the region labor market was formed. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a comprehensive study of the evolution of additional vocational education and training of workers, employees and mid-level specialists was carried out, in which inter-regional and intra-regional comparisons were made, revealing trends and disproportions in its development, taking into account the regional economic context. Recommendations. The data obtained make it possible to assess the extent to which the potential of personnel with applied qualifications is maintained, increased and updated in the Russian regions, taking into account their place in the structure of employment of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The results of the study can be used by federal and regional executive authorities in order to eliminate imbalances in the quality of labor markets staffing.
The relevance of the study is determined by the current Russian agenda in the field of personnel advanced training and retraining in connection with the change in technological priorities and the policy of 'import substitution'. The objects of observation were the programs [...]