Although new information retrieval systems (search engines, metasearch engines, databases, etc.) continually appear, the daily work of information professionals leaves little time to evaluate them. As a result, on numerous occasions a system is used, and even recommended, without [...]Abstract
The management of electronic resources has become a crucial need for libraries and documentation centres. The number of e-resources that a library must manage and give access to is continually increasing. Simultaneously, new tools are needed for effective control of information about [...]Abstract
The Sedic Health Science Group organized the 1st Technical workshop on health science libraries in the 21st century: electronic, virtual, digital and hybrid. The aim was to update the view of health science libraries within the technological environment, sharing professional experience, [...]Abstract
The objective of this study is to establish which document types are considered essential for learning at universities and, therefore, are recommended to students. Additionally, an analysis was conducted to determine if electronic resources are a part of the recommended reading lists [...]Abstract
The objective of this study is to establish which document types are considered essential for learning at universities and, therefore, are recommended to students. Additionally, an analysis was conducted to determine if electronic resources are a part of the recommended reading lists [...]