A new method, based on singular value decomposition and QR factorization, has been developed and applied to the analysis of F-18 flutter flight test data. The method is capable of identifying the frequency and damping of the critical aircraft modes, those responsible for the flutter [...]
This paper addresses the need to minimize of vibration levels of unsprung weight of elements of vehicles suspension are considered. In the study design, some methods of parametric optimization with dynamic vibration absorbers (DVA) in elements of a nonlinear suspension with dynamic [...]Abstract
This paper describes a question of evaluation necessity of bridge cranes using the method of limit deformation state and oscillation damping. The solution was performed by means of theoretical analysis and an experimental verification at the selected bridge crane. The final result [...]Abstract
At the state of art, current simulative methods modelling joint properties as fixed interaction between components or concentrate on the characterization of the joint stiffness and damping of coupled metallic structures. In the current work, the developed thin layer interaction (TLI) [...]