
The paper outlines the formulation of a novel algorithm which can be used for the solution of both compressible and incompressible Navier‐Stokes or Euler equations. Full incompressibility [...]



The purpose of this paper is to apply the variational multi-scale framework to the finite element approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations written in conservation form. Even though this formulation is relatively well known, some particular [...]


In this work we solve the compressible Navier–Stokes equations written in primitive variables in order to simulate low Mach number aeroacoustic [...]


The algorithm introduced in Part I of this paper is applied in its explicit form to a variety of problems in order to demonstrate its wide range of applicability and excellent performance. [...]


The finite point method (FPM) is a meshless technique, which is based on both, a weighted least‐squares numerical approximation on local clouds of points and a collocation technique which [...]


A finite point method for solving compressible flow problems involving moving boundaries and adaptivity is presented. The numerical methodology is based on an upwind‐biased discretization [...]


In this work, the finite point method is applied to the solution of high‐Reynolds compressible viscous flows. The aim is to explore this important field of applications focusing on two [...]


This article presents a novel shock-capturing technique for the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. The technique is designed for compressible flow [...]


This work is devoted to acceleration and upgrade of the CFD code NOISEtte for scale-resolving simulations of compressible turbulent flows using edge-based high-accuracy methods on unstructured hybrid meshes. Attempts to extend the baseline multilevel MPI+OpenMP parallelization towards [...]


In this paper, we are going to present a high-order shock fitting approach based on a cut-cell method. We formulate a suitable Constraint Optimization Problem and develop an algorithm aiming to reconstruct the shock front represented by the zero iso-contour of a Level Set funct[...]