
The update of the ISI rankings of Spanish universities according to fields and scientific disciplines (2nd ed. 2011)  is presented. Specifically, in this second edition we focus on the inclusion of 19 new scientific disciplines and the creation of a dynamic new website. Various bibliometric [...]


Production and citation rankings of the top 25 world science countries are presented from the free data provided by Thomson Reuters in ScienceWatch.com. The development of Spain is discussed in detail.


Analysis of the citations received by the journal El profesional de la información (EPI) according to the databases ISI Science Citation Index (WoS) from Thomson Reuters, and Scopus from Elsevier, which index the journal since 2006. There are three main groups (or themes) recognized, [...]


From the information provided for free by Thomson Reuters in ScienceWatch.com, production and citation dataof the scientific disciplines are analyzed for Spain, determining the relative weight of each one both nationally and internationally throughout the past 10 years.


The “ISI rankings  of the spanish universities by scientific fields” report is described, and some of the results are presented. One of the essential characteristics of this new ranking, based on Thomson-Reuters products, is its organization into 12 fields of knowledge. The [...]


The wide variety of bibliometric information resources offered for free by Thomson Scientific’s ScienceWatch. com are presented, and their major applications within scientific libraries are described.


The possible use of h-index in the evaluation of individual researchers has raised great concern among policymakers and scientists themselves. Research is needed to determine the advantages and limitations of this new indicator. A study of publications in the Web of Science, 1994-2004, [...]


La astronomía es una ciencia natural que atrae un importante interés del público. A una escala humana, la mayoría de los objetos celestes individuales son esencialmente inmutables, pero ¿ocurre lo mismo con el interés por la investigación astronómica? Este artículo utiliza [...]


Se muestra cómo se puede implementar la evaluación bibliométrica a nivel individual, lo que se ha hecho con éxito en la Universidad de Viena, a cargo del Departamento Bibliometría y Estrategias de Publicación de la Biblioteca. De acuerdo con la filosofía del Departamento, [...]


Altmetrics measure the impact of research by quantifying its presence on the social web. The use of this tool in research evaluation can supplement citation analysis. However, altmetric data sources suffer from biases similar to those of citation databases. Although altmetrics offer [...]