
In many of his literary works Cervantes exhibits a desire for Italy, which can be encountered in his dedications and his many references to the art, literature and culture of the peninsula. Cervantes recalls in particular his lengthy stay in Naples, capital of the most important [...]


Through a rhyming catalogue of Valencian writers included in his «Segunda parte de Orlando» (Second part of Orlando) (1555) and through other verses in the work, Nicolau Espinosa argues in favour of a cultured literary tradition in a new language, Castilian Spanish. Moreover, the [...]


El paréntesis «(alga todo y espumas)» de la Soledad primera (v. 26) de Góngora no ha logrado despojarse aún de la etiqueta de locus oscuro que se le viene asignando desde los tiempos de Pellicer (Lecciones solemnes, 1630). El presente artículo pasa revista a las opiniones críticas [...]