
This paper is about the most general methodological problems of Discourse Analysis: The meaning and use of metalinguistic terms as "discourse" and "text", the scope of different schools and the incidence of orality/literacy distinction. the author suggests a global outlook of D. A. [...]


The aim of this work is to offer some exemples of the discourse study form the point of view of the pragmatic analysis. To do this the author has begun explaining the meaning of the terms involved in it: pragmatic presupposition, conventional and donversational implication. Afterward [...]


The aim of the authors of this paper is to offer a clarifying basis for conversation studies which would suggest several fruiful areas of analysis. Without claiming an affiliation to one specific approach, the authors point out a series of concepts an methods which, they think, ara [...]


This interview with one of the most important french discourse analysts focuses on differences between Anglo-Saxon school and French school of D. A. Manigueneau explains his own theoretical position against this discipline and points us «Genèses du discours» as his most representative [...]


Starting from the work of an Italian researcher (Sernicola 1981),Viana tries to relate to meaning production and planning some problems of discourse syntax. The paper rests on a descriptive level and compares the elaboration of text syntax to the making of preliminary sketches in [...]


This paper is about text connexity: similarities and differences with connexity in the sentence level, the conjunctive expressions which mark it (text connectives) and their function in discourse. All these aspects are reviewed paying particular attention to adversative connectedn[...]


Revisió a la bibliografia específica sobre anàlisi del discurs actualitzat a la data de publicació d'aquest número de la revista (tardor de 1989).