
The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) program is an ambitious re-search and development initiative to design the future European air traffic man-agement (ATM) system. The study of the behavior of ATM systems using agent-based modeling and simulation tools can help the development [...]


This paper describes an agent-based approach for the simulation of air traffic management (ATM) in Europe that was designed to help analyze proposals for future ATM systems. This approach is able to represent new collaborative deci-sion processes for flow traffic management, it uses [...]


PildoLabs is developing a UTM system to coordinate manned and unmanned aircraft operations for emergency operations. The system needs a mechanism to (1) validate and publish flight plans involved in the emergency operations and (2) provide a mechanism for third party systems to query [...]


Mención Internacional en el título de doctor The Air Traffic Management (ATM) system in the busiest airspaces in the world is currently being overhauled to deal with multiple capacity, socioeconomic, and environmental challenges. One major pillar of this process is the shift towards [...]


Future 4D TBO will require effective air- ground data link communication and negotiation protocols. This issue is especially critical in Arrival and Approach flight phase due to the variability of conditions into a short space-time environment where multiple aircraft simultaneously [...]


In this paper we study the en-route strategic flight planning of a commercial aircraft constrained to pass through a set of waypoints whose sequence is not predefined. This problem has been solved as an hybrid optimal control problem in which, given the dynamic model of the aircraft, [...]


viation industries are looking into several resources for renewable and sustainable energy. Among those attention is focused in biojet fuel. This paper engages the issue of biojet fuel emissions that increase the environmental concern in the air transport sector. The paper presents [...]


Introduction: With the constant increase in air travel every year and the downfalls of the World’s economy, airline managers face the need to optimize resources with the goal of reaching profit and reliability targets. This leads to higher utilization rates in commercial aircrews, [...]


[SPA] El aumento del tráfico aéreo ha sido exponencial en las últimas décadas; pasando a ser la aviación comercial una pieza clave en el turismo, el transporte urgente de mercancías, los negocios, etc. Tal y como confirman las estadísticas a nivel mundial, la aviación comercial [...]


La fabricación avanzada en materiales compuestos termoplásticos es clave para satisfacer los requerimientos del sector aeronáutico. Las ventajas diferenciadoras de los polímeros termoplásticos de alto rendimiento frente a las resinas termoestables, [...]