
Part 7: Networking; International audience; In this paper, we consider the problem of finding itineraries in bus networks under multiple independent optimization criteria, namely arrival time at destination and number of transfers. It is also allowed to walk from one stop to another [...]


Part 5: Scheduling in Manufacturing and Other Applications; International audience; In this paper a new efficient tabu search algorithm for assigning freight to the intermodal transport connections was developed. There were also formulated properties of the problem that can be used [...]


Part 5: Modelling and Optimization; International audience; In this paper, we address the problem of determining the optimal fleet size for Personal Rapid Transit system (PRT). In our problem, we consider electric battery and distance constraints which are found in real world application [...]


Part 4: Infrastructures; International audience; Digital infrastructures (DI) that support information exchange related to international trade processes (here referred to as Digital Trade Infrastructures (DTI)) have been seen as an instrument to help address the trade facilitation [...]


Part 2: Open and Smart Government; International audience; Smart cities focus on using existing resources in a better way to improve the urban environment. At the same time Big and Open Linked Data (BOLD) can be used to better understand the use of the resources and to suggest improvements. [...]


Part 6: Modelling and Optimization; International audience; This paper presents model and an algorithmic approach for the problem of generation optimal tourist route for electric vehicles (EVs). In the discussed problem a starting and a final point of a route are EV charging stations [...]


Part 5: Modelling and Optimization; International audience; Nowadays, different changes from the economical, societal and environmental contexts are happen in cities. In fact, cities are generally the best place to endorse and enhance various experience in order to improve the quality [...]


Part 5: Smart Cities; International audience; The advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have extended the applicability of citizen coproduction in government service delivery and have entailed transformative changes, especially at the city level. City governments [...]