
SDN approaches to inter-domain routing promise better traffic engineering, enhanced security, and higher automation. Yet, naive deployment of SDN on the Internet is dangerous as the control-plane expressiveness of BGP is significantly more limited than the data-plane expressiveness of SDN, which allows fine-grained rules to deflect traffic from BGP's default routes. This mismatch may lead to incorrect forwarding behaviors such as forwarding loops and blackholes, ultimately hindering SDN deployment at the inter-domain level. In this work, we make a first step towards verifying the correctness of inter-domain forwarding state with a focus on loop freedom while keeping private the SDN rules, as they comprise confidential routing information. To this end, we design a simple yet powerful primitive that allows two networks to verify whether their SDN rules overlap, i.e., the set of packets matched by these rules is non-empty, without leaking any information about the SDN rules. We propose an efficient implementation of this primitive by using recent advancements in Secure Multi-Party Computation and we then leverage it as the main building block for designing a system that detects Internet-wide forwarding loops among any set of SDN-enabled Internet eXchange Points.

Original document

The different versions of the original document can be found in:

http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3123878.3131967 under the license http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/copyright_policy#Background
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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.1145/3123878.3131967
Licence: Other

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