
The problem of minor vehicles crossing or merging into the major stream at unsignalized priority-controlled intersections is well-known. Numerous solutions involve various assumptions concerning the major headway distributions, number of major lanes, critical gap distributions, etc. Such cases can be divided into two main groups: intersections with two streams (one major and one minor stream) and intersections with more than two streams (more than one major stream and one minor stream). At roundabouts, also at single-lane roundabouts, there are similar problems like the ones at other unsignalized priority-controlled intersections. A vehicle at the roundabout approach can only cross the pedestrian crossing when a sufficient time-gap between two pedestrians (or cyclists) is provided. A vehicle at the roundabout entries can only merge into the major stream when a sufficient gap between the two vehicles in the major stream is provided. Because of that, single-lane round-abouts can also be treated as unsignalized intersections with two major lanes: the first one in its circulatory roadway and the second one on the pedestrian crossing. Problematika križanja ali vključevanja stranskega prometnega toka v nivojskih križiščih, kjer je prometni režim urejen z glavno in stransko prometno smerjo, je znan. Številni pristopi vsebujejo različne predpostavke, ki zadevajo porazdelitev glavnega prometnega toka, število prometnih pasov na glavni prometni smeri, kritično časovno praznino ... Take sisteme lahko razdelimo v dve glavni skupini: križišča z dvema tokoma (enim glavnim in enim stranskim) in križišča z več kot dvema tokoma (več kot dva glavna prometna toka in en stranski prometni tok). V krožnih križiščih, tudi v enopasovnih, obstajajo enaki problemi, kot pri drugih nivojskih križiščih, urejenih s prometnim režimom glavne in stranske prometne smeri. Vozilo na uvozu v krožno križišče se lahko priključi v glavni prometni tok le v primeru, ko je časovni presledek med dvema pešcema (ali kolesarjema) zadosti velika. Vsled tega lahko tudi enopasovna krožna križišča obravnavamo kot nesemaforizirana križišča z dvema glavnima prometnima tokoma: prvim v krožnem vozišču in drugem na prehodu za pešce.

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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v16i1.571
Licence: Other

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