The paper studies the problem of constructing cableways with advanced technology and their influence on the operation and development of cableway companies from several aspects. Modern cableways with detachable grips enable faster carriage of passengers. They have the possibility of transporting more passengers over the same distances. Recently, this trend of introducing modern cableways has been particularly present in chairlifts which carry skiers. Such chairlifts with detachable grips allow transport of skiers over greater distances and therefore must have respective ski slopes covering wider areas which in turn affects the expansion of the mountain tourist centres. The chairlifts with detachable grips require more knowledge and personnel to manage and maintain them, as well as more investment capital. Članak proučava problem izgradnje žičara s modernom tehnikom i njihov utjecaj na rad i razvoj žičarskih poduzeća s više gledišta. Moderne žičare s tehnikom priklopnih spojki omogućavaju brži prijevoz putnika. One imaju mogućnost da na jednakim relacijama prevoze više putnika. U posljednje je vrijeme ovaj trend uvođenja modernih žičara naročito prisutan kod sjedežnica koje služe za prijevoz skijaša. Ovakve sjedežnice s priklopnim spojkama omogućavaju prijevoz skijaša na većim daljinama pa zbog toga moraju imati pripadajuće skijaške pruge veće površine, što ima utjecaj na širenje gorskih turističkih centara. Sjedežnice s priklopnim spojkama zahtijevaju više znanja i osoblja za upravljanje i održavanje i isto tako više uloženog kapitala.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2005
Volume 2005, 2005
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v17i5.641
Licence: Other
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