
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the importance of different determinants and their impact on the severity of injuries of individuals in road traffic accidents, so that measures that are supposed to prevent or reduce severe injury consequences can be developed. In this paper three research models have been built. Model I was built to study the impact of demographic factors (gender and age) on the individual’s likelihood to wear a seat-belt while Model II to study the impact of demographic factors (gender and age) and the impact of wearing a seat belt on the likelihood that fatal injuries of individuals in road traffic accidents occur. Model III was formed to study the impact of several environmental factors on the likelihood that the accident involves severe or fatal injuries of road traffic accident participants. Altogether our study revealed that middle-aged individuals (over 25 years and up to 65 years old) are less likely to wear a seatbelt and at the same time more likely to suffer fatal injuries in road traffic accidents. This is the result that implies that the targeted policy measures to the population between 25 and 65 years of age are needed to reduce the fatal injuries occurrence in Slovenia. Namen tega članka je prispevati k razumevanju različnih determinant in njihovega vpliva na pojav težkih poškodb pri udeležencih cestnih prometnih nesreč, z namenom, da bi lahko bolje oblikovali ukrepe za njihovo zmanjšanje ter preprečevanje njihovih posledic. V tem prispevku smo oblikovali tri regresijske modele. Model I smo oblikovali z namenom analize vpliva demografskih dejavnikov (spol in starost) na verjetnost, da posameznik uporablja varnostni pas v osebnem avtomobilu, Model II pa z namenom preučiti vpliv demografskih dejavnikov (spol in starost) in vpliv uporabe varnostnega pasu, na verjetnost, da se cestna prometna nesreča konča s smrtnim izidom udeležencev. Model III smo oblikovali za analiziranje vpliva različnih dejavnikov v okolju na verjetnost, da udeleženci prometne nesreče utrpijo težje poškodbe ali poškodbo s smrtnim izidom. Rezultati med drugim kažejo, da je za posameznike iz srednje starostne skupine (nad 25 pa do 65 let starosti) v povprečju bolj verjetno, da ne uporabljajo varnostnega pasu, hkrati pa je za njih bolj verjetno, da kot udeleženci prometnih nesreč utrpijo hude poškodbe. Rezultati tako kažejo, da je smiselno ciljne mere za zmanjšanje števila prometnih nesreč s težkimi poškodbami, usmeriti na to starostno skupino v Sloveniji..

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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v27i4.1670
Licence: Other

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