
Background: The national program for diagnosis, management and prevention of genetic diseases is being conducted in our country with the main goal of a community-based scope, being applied by general comprehensive physicians. Mistakes in interpreting basic concepts in Genetics usually appear among family doctors and may disturb the proper development of the program.Aim: To identify training needs among professionals working in primary health care.Material and Methods: A descriptive and transversal research was conducted. An evaluation instrument validated by experts, was applied to18 doctors working in the primary health care areas of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Miguel Enriquez, who voluntarily accepted to participate in the research.Results: In most cases amniocentesis concept was no correct. This mistake was also observed in the literature. Doctors graduated after 2009, who were taught Medical Genetics as a curricular subject, had the best results.Conclusions: The design of postgraduate courses in Genetics, for doctors working in primary healthcare, must also include practical features of the program, and emphasize on some concepts necessary for the development of the Genetics program.

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Published on 08/11/22
Submitted on 08/11/22

Volume Vol. 2, 2022
DOI: 10.56294/saludcyt202251
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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