This chapter describes RESCUE (Requirements Engineering with Scenarios for a User-centred Environment), a method for specifying requirements for complex sociotechnical systems that integrates human activity modeling, creative design workshops, system goal modeling using the i* notation, systematic scenario walkthroughs, and best practice in requirements management. This method has been, and is being applied in, specifying requirements for three separate systems in the domain of air traffic control. In this chapter we present examples showing how the method can be applied in the context of a case study involving the specification of requirements for Countdown, a system to provide bus passengers with information about expected bus arrival times. While this system shares some important similarities with systems used in air traffic control, we hope it is small and familiar enough to readers to provide meaningful insights into the application of the RESCUE process.
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Published on 01/01/2011
Volume 2011, 2011
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-506-1.ch015
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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