
Produced with the support of EUROCITIES as part of the CREATE (Congestion Reduction in Europe, Advancing Transport Efficiency) project, WP4 "Qualitative analysis of historical transport policy developments across 5 EU capital-cities".; International audience; Why have some cities in Europe been able to achieve a shift from the car-oriented city towards more sustainable modes of transport? How can other parts of Europe and the EuroMed draw lessons from CREATE?In order to answer these fundamental questions, the CREATE (Congestion Reduction in Europe, Advancing Transport Efficiency) project’s main objective is to reduce road congestion in European cities by encouraging a switch from cars to more sustainable modes of transport. Among other valuable lessons, the CREATE project shows how strong urban governance contributes to the shift towards the liveable city.

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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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