
In the theoretical part of this paper, the authors present criteria by which the satisfaction of the public with police work can be measured. The focus lies on those criteria that are significant for police work in the community and for the reputation of the police as a state organ itself, which is co-responsible for(improving) security in the nation. The empirical part of this paper is based on a study that included 120 residents from the area of Slovenj Gradec police directorate. The interviewees had to give their opinion on various questions or statements about their satisfaction regarding police roadside procedures in the area that they live in. Furthermore, the authors examined the extent to which the residents are willing to help police officers, how they evaluate their work, on what basis the residents shape their opinion and how they evaluate interpersonal competencies of police officers. The results have shown that the satisfaction of residents with roadside police procedures in SlovenjGradec police directorate is relatively good since the majority of answers varies between 3 and 4 on a Likert scale ranging from 1to 5. Even though the evaluations are promising, the authors conclude the paper with several recommendations. Avtorja v teoretičnem delu prispevka predstavljata kriterije merjenja zadovoljstva javnosti z delom policije, pri čemer je poudarek na tistih, ki so značilni za policijsko delo v skupnosti, ter o samem ugledu policije kot državnega organa, soodgovornega za stanje varnosti v državi in dejavnikih za njegovo izboljšanje. Empirični del prispevka temelji na raziskavi, v katero sta vključila 120 občanov z območja Policijske uprave Slovenj Gradec. Anketiranci so se opredeljevali do posameznih sklopov vprašanj in trditev s področja zadovoljstva s postopki policistov pri kontroli cestnega prometa v kraju, v katerem živijo. Konkretneje proučujeta tudi, v kolikšni meri so občani policistom pripravljeni pomagati, kako ocenjujejo njihovo delo, na podlagi česa si oblikujejo mnenje o njih, ter kako ocenjujejo njihove interpersonalne kompetence. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da je zadovoljstvo občanov s postopki policistov pri kontroli cestnega prometa na območju policijskih postaj Policijske uprave Slovenj Gradec relativno dobra, saj se večina odgovorov na vprašanja in trditve iz anketnega vprašalnika giblje med 3 in 4, nekaj tudi nad 4 ali za odtenek nižje od 3. Kljub vsemu pa avtorja v zaključnem delu prispevka podajata kar nekaj predlogov za izboljšanje stanja na tem področju.

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https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/1544426?lang=sl under the license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v21i4.1009
Licence: Other

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