
In the last two decades, the pollution in major cities was a growing concern. A significantly large contribution was made by road transportation sources to this problem. EU regulations on emissions and improvements in fu el quality sustained an improvement in air quality through reduction in pollutants. Latest trend taking the environmental issues into consideration in consumer car industry is hybrid vehicles, which use a conventional inner combustion engine using petroleum or diesel fuel, alongside with an electric engine, selectively using the necessary one depending on the current speed and power needs. As the vehicles equipped with this technology create less emission and consume less fuel, investigation o f the potential gain when used public transportation is inevitable. In this study, a comparison-based study will be done between traditional busses using fossil fu el and new technology busses that the Istanbul Municipality selected as candidate fleet, utilizing energy, finance, environment and social responsibility aspects. Doğuş Üniversitesi; TÜBİTAK

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Published on 01/01/2009

Volume 2009, 2009
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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