
The paper discusses problems related to the functioning of passenger transport in Rzeszow. The dynamic development of the city and the increase in the income of its inhabitants have led to significantly increased traffic within the city, which is detrimental both to the environment and the city&rsquo

s inhabitants. It limits the quality of life in the city and in the end generates additional costs for businesses and people in urban areas due to the congestion. In compliance with the policies of the European Union, this harmful tendency needs to be limited. Developing sustainable transportation should largely contribute to this objective. With the city of Rzeszow as example, this article discusses selected actions and measures taken as part of the development of sustainable transportation and demonstrates changes in the functioning of public transport based on the author&rsquo

s own research as well as data provided by the city&rsquo

s authorities. The analyses show that the actions taken so far have had a positive impact.

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Published on 01/01/2019

Volume 2019, 2019
DOI: 10.3390/su11020402
Licence: Other

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