
Sustainable development is Qatar's main national goal. The fact that Qatar has secured the World Cup bid for 2022 will make it the first Arab country to host the world cup. This honor and Qatar's plan to advance its development has led the state to start upgrading its entire transportation infrastructure. Qatar's commitment to sustainability and the state's upcoming investments in the transportation sector has led the authors to investigate current transportation sustainability assessment systems, which can be transferred to Qatar. A thorough literature review revealed that the current initiatives have a number of limitations that render them inapplicable to Qatar. This paper presents these findings and suggests the main features of a sustainability rating system applicable to Qatar. This will be the first step in developing the Qatar Transportation Sustainability Assessment System (QTS). Scopu

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Published on 01/01/2012

Volume 2012, 2012
DOI: 10.1061/9780784412329.196
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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