research experience

  • Senior Economist Microeconomic Analysis Division (Madrid - Spain)

    Started: 2005-10-01 - Currently working.

    Applied Microeconomics (labor, household finance, survey methods)

    Recent tasks:

    Research on EUropean Labor Markets. Research on Household Finance, Member in Household Finance Consumption Network.  

    Notes on labor markets, housing markets, firm and household credit conditions .

    Member of team launching and implementing the Survey of Financial Competences (2016.current)

    Design and implementation of the evaluation of the program "Finanzas Para Todos" in 78 Spanish high schools (2015- current)

teaching experience

  • Assistant Professor Economics Universitat Pompeu Fabra (BArcelona - )

    Started: 2000-09-01 - Finished: 2005-09-01

    Research on labor economics, public economics

    Taught International trade, public economics, both at graduate and undergraduate levels in Economics

    Taught labor economics and applied econometrics at Ciencies del Treball


  • Economics (Evanston - United States)

    Started: 1995-09-01 - Finished: 2000-09-01

awards & achievements

No awards or achievemets info.

other experience

No other experience info.

skills & expertise