J. Korytárová, V. Hromádka, M. Marek, S. Pelčák, J. Rouzek
Current Topics and Trends on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Serrat, C., Casas, J.R. and Gibert, V. (Eds).
The article deals with the analysis of background resources for the evaluation of socioeconomic impact methodology elaboration of the territory development in the field of commercial, service and residential properties, mixed constructions and multifunctional buildings in the first phase of their life cycle. The research team investigated the possibilities of using the information and procedures for the evaluation of socio-economic impacts of the territory development. Relevant data for the evaluation was identified and analysed on the research sample of 12 major urban districts of the city of Brno. Technical and social parameters that appeared relevant for the economic evaluation of the surveyed location development were identified based on the available data on individual territories. The first identification step was their description. Subsequently, suitable metrics for their evaluation were examined. Findings about what socio-economic impacts these locations create in the field of interest and whether these impacts are efficient in terms of their functioning represent the output of the paper. This includes determining the overall economic efficiency of the implementation phase of their life cycle. This output then forms base for the future research focusing on the possibility of including other variables that shall focus on the operational phase of the life cycle and extend the assessment to a wider timeframe.
Abstract The article deals with the analysis of background resources for the evaluation of socioeconomic impact methodology elaboration of the territory development in the field of [...]