Documents published in Scipedia

  • D. Albalate, G. Bel, A. Gragera, X. Fageda
    3r Congrés d'Economia i Empresa de Catalunya - Full papers.

    El marc institucional en el que es realitza l’avaluació de projectes d’infraestructures condiciona en gran mesura la seva qualitat i el seu paper en la [...]

  • D. Albalate, G. Bel, X. Fageda, A. Gragera
    3r Congrés d'Economia i Empresa de Catalunya - Abstracts.

    RESUM El marc institucional en el que es porta a terme l’avaluació de les polítiques públiques – i en particular el de les infraestructures [...]

Articles (Documents not available in Scipedia)

  • Traffic fines for road safety programs: could they help?

    D Albalate

    Securitas Vialis, 1-6, 2017

  • Weakening political connections by means of regulatory reform: Evidence from contracting out water services in Spain

    D Albalate, G Bel, F González-Gómez, AJ Picazo-Tadeo

    Journal of Regulatory Economics, 1-25, 2017

  • Road safety determinants: do political institutions matter?

    A Yarygina, D Albalate

    International journal of transport economics 44 (2), 315-348, 2017

  • The determinants of garage prices and their interaction with curbside regulation

    D Albalate, A Gragera

    Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 101, 86-97, 2017

  • Empirical evidence on imperfect information in the parking market

    D Albalate, A Gragera Lladó

    Càtedra Pasqual Maragall d'Economia i Territori–Documents de treball, WP 02/2017, 2017

  • How Much Vertical Integration? Contractual Choice and Public–Private Partnerships in the United States

    D Albalate, G Bel, RR Geddes

    Review of Industrial Organization, 1-18, 2017

  • Tourism and high speed rail in Spain: Does the AVE increase local visitors?

    D Albalate, J Campos, JL Jiménez

    Annals of Tourism Research 65, 71-82, 2017

  • The impact of curbside parking regulation on garage demand

    A Gragera Lladó, D Albalate

    Transport Policy, 2016, vol. 47, p. 160-168, 2016

  • The price to park: Assessing the determinants of Garage prices and their interaction with curbside regulation

    D Albalate, A Gragera Lladó

    Càtedra Pasqual Maragall d'Economia i Territori–Documents de treball, WP 01/2016, 2016

  • Sobre el disseny institucional de l'avaluació de les polítiques publiques: riscos i propostes de millora

    D Albalate, A Gragera Lladó

    Nota d'Economia, 2016, vol. 102, p. 37-50, 2016

  • 1 An evidence-based review of key issues in high-speed rail

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Evaluating High-Speed Rail: Interdisciplinary Perspectives 7, 1, 2016

  • The desired and undesired effects of infrastructure and transport policy reforms: An introduction

    D Albalate, G Bel i Queralt, X Fageda, RR Geddes

    Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2016, vol. 4, num. 2, p. 168-169, 2016

  • Winners and losers in tolled motorway renegotiations: an empirical evaluation of the Spanish pioneers

    D Albalate, P Bel-Piñana

    Public Money & Management 36 (5), 365-372, 2016

  • Evaluating high-speed rail: Interdisciplinary perspectives

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Taylor & Francis, 2016

  • The impact of curbside parking regulation on garage demand

    A Gragera, D Albalate

    Transport Policy 47, 160-168, 2016

  • High-Technology Employment and Transportation: Evidence from the European Regions

    D Albalate, X Fageda

    Regional Studies 50 (9), 1564-1578, 2016

  • High-Speed rail and tourism: Empirical evidence from Spain

    D Albalate, X Fageda

    Transportation Research Part A, 2016

  • Strong versus Weak Vertical Integration: Contractual Choice and PPPs in the United States

    D Albalate, G Bel i Queralt, RR Geddes

    IREA–Working Papers, 2015, IR18/015, 2015

  • Entry Regulation Asymmetries and Petrol Competition in a Mixed Motorway Network

    D Albalate, J Perdiguero

    Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 49 (4), 603-625, 2015

  • Road safety determinants: do institutions matter?

    D Albalate, A Yarygina

    Càtedra Pasqual Maragall d'Economia i Territori–Documents de treball, WP 03/2015, 2015

  • Do Public-Private Partnership Enabling Laws Increase Private Investment in Infrastructure

    D Albalate, G Bel, RR Geddes, OM Rouhani

    Working Paper U. Barcelona, 2015

  • Risk Mitigation and Sharing in Motorway PPPs: A Comparative Policy Analysis of Alternative Approaches

    D Albalate, G Bel, P Bel-Piñana, RR Geddes

    Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 17 (5), 481-501, 2015

  • La experiencia internacional en alta velocidad ferroviaria

    D Albalate, G Bel

    FEDEA Working Papers, 2015


    D Albalate, G Bel, P Bel-Pinana

    REVISTA DE ECONOMIA APLICADA 23 (67), 131-152, 2015

  • The determinants of contractual choice for private involvement in infrastructure projects

    D Albalate, G Bel, RR Geddes

    Public Money & Management 35 (1), 87-94, 2015

  • Competition and cooperation between high-speed rail and air transportation services in Europe

    D Albalate, G Bel, X Fageda

    Journal of transport geography 42, 166-174, 2015

  • Factors d'èxit i fracàs en la col· laboració público-privada per al finançament d'infraestructures viàries

    D Albalate

    Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 2014, vol. 2014, num. 70, p. 100-109, 2014

  • Democratitzar l'economia

    D Albalate

    Eines per a l'esquerra nacional, 37-44, 2014

  • The Construction of Defense Department Contracts in Thin Markets

    TL Brown, YW Kim, A Roberts, D Albalate


  • Privatisation and Nationalisation of European Roads

    D Albalate

    Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014

  • Beyond pure public and pure private management models: Partial privatization in the European airport industry

    D Albalate, G Bel, X Fageda

    International Public Management Journal 17 (3), 308-327, 2014

  • The Privatisation and Nationalisation of European Roads: Success and Failure in Public_Private Partnerships

    D Albalate

    Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014

  • Joint versus single management of large transport infrastructures

    D Albalate, G Bel, X Fageda

    Ocean & coastal management 71, 163-169, 2013

  • Recovery risk and labor costs in public–private partnerships: contractual choice in the US water industry

    D Albalate, G Bel, RR Geddes

    Local Government Studies 39 (3), 332-351, 2013

  • The road against fatalities: Infrastructure spending vs. regulation??

    D Albalate, L Fernández, A Yarygina

    Accident Analysis & Prevention 59, 227-239, 2013

  • When supply travels far beyond demand: Institutional and regulatory causes of oversupply in Spain’s transport infrastructure

    D Albalate, G Bel i Queralt, X Fageda

    IREA–Working Papers, 2013, IR13/012, 2013

  • The institutional, economic and social determinants of local government transparency

    DA Sol

    Journal of Economic Policy Reform 16 (1), 90-107, 2013

  • Economia del sector públic: fonaments i polítiques

    D Albalate, X Fageda

    Edicions Universitat Barcelona, 2012

  • Impuls a les infraestructures estratègiques de transport

    DA del Sol

    Generalitat de Catalunya: Departament d'Economia i Finances, 2012

  • Social preferences and policy centralisation: The case of us speed limits

    D Albalate

    Journal of Economic & Social Policy 15 (1), 41, 2012

  • Evaluación del impacto de las renegociaciones de contratos de concesión: el caso de la AP-7 (Aumar)

    D Albalate, MP Bel-Piñana

    Universitat de Barcelona (GIM), 2012

  • Speed limit laws in America: The role of geography, mobility and ideology

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Transportation research part A: policy and practice 46 (2), 337-347, 2012

  • Motorways, tolls and road safety: evidence from Europe

    D Albalate, G Bel

    SERIEs 3 (4), 457-473, 2012

  • Governance and regulation of urban bus transportation: using partial privatization to achieve the better of two worlds

    D Albalate, G Bel, J Calzada

    Regulation & Governance 6 (1), 83-100, 2012

  • Beyond the efficiency‐equity dilemma: Centralization as a determinant of government investment in infrastructure

    D Albalate, G Bel, X Fageda

    Papers in Regional Science 91 (3), 599-615, 2012

  • Institutional determinants of military spending

    D Albalate, G Bel, F Elias

    Journal of Comparative Economics 40 (2), 279-290, 2012

  • The economics and politics of high-speed rail: lessons from experiences abroad

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Lexington Books, 2012

  • High‐Speed Rail: Lessons for Policy Makers from Experiences Abroad

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Public Administration Review 72 (3), 336-349, 2012

  • Privatization and PPPS in transportation infrastructure: Network effects of increasing user fees

    D Albalate, G Bel i Queralt

    IREA–Working Papers, 2011, IR11/010, 2011

  • Èxit acadèmic, característiques personals i procés de Bolònia: Una aplicación econométrica.

    D Albalate, X Fageda, J Perdiguero

    Revista d'Innovació Docent Universitària, 11-25, 2011

  • Shifting Death to Their Alternatives The Case of Toll Motorways

    D Albalate

    Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 45 (3), 457-479, 2011

  • Cuando la economía no importa: auge y esplendor de la alta velocidad en España

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Revista de Economía Aplicada 19 (55), 2011

  • Apunts de política econòmica: fonaments i polítiques

    D Albalate, X Fageda, L Fernández

    Publicacions i Edicions, Universitat de Barcelona, 2010

  • La indústria catalana després de la crisi

    DA del Sol, JB Bejerano, RB Domènech, JC Saleh, JG Quevedo, ...

    Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa, 2010

  • What shapes local public transportation in Europe? Economics, mobility, institutions, and geography

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46 (5 …, 2010

  • Motorcycle injury severity in Barcelona: the role of vehicle type and congestion

    D Albalate, L Fernandez-Villadangos

    Traffic injury prevention 11 (6), 623-631, 2010

  • Tourism and urban public transport: Holding demand pressure under supply constraints

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Tourism Management 31 (3), 425-433, 2010

  • Les infraestructures de transport a Catalunya

    D Albalate

    IDEES. Revista de temes contemporanis, 7-23, 2009

  • What local policy makers should know about urban road charging: Lessons from worldwide experience

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Public Administration Review 69 (5), 962-974, 2009

  • Regulating concessions of toll motorways: An empirical study on fixed vs. variable term contracts

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 43 (2), 219-229, 2009

  • Privatization and regulatory reform of toll motorways in Europe

    D Albalate, G Bel, X Fageda

    Governance 22 (2), 295-318, 2009

  • Infraestructuras en Cataluña: panorámica y oportunidades

    D Albalate, G Bel

    Boletín económico de ICE, Información Comercial Española, 61-71, 2008

  • Lowering blood alcohol content levels to save lives: the European experience

    D Albalate

    Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 27 (1), 20-39, 2008

  • Carreteras de gran capacidad en Europa: Regulación de precios y contratos de concesión

    D Albalate, X Fageda

    Anuario de la movilidad, Fundación RACC, 107-116, 2007

  • La Regulación de las autopistas de peaje: los retos y dilemas del diseño concesional

    D Albalate

    Universitat de Barcelona. Grup de Recerca en Polítiques Públiques i …, 2005
