
The following paper aims to illustrate certain investigative activities in the forensic analysis and examination of the scene of traffic accidents. When a traffic accident occurs, the scene must be secured as soon as possible to enable professional and proper forensic investigation. Failure to secure the accident scene might result in losing or contaminating the traces, which makes it more difficult to prove or explain trace evidence in further procedure or even makes such evidence inadmissible. The topic is discussed from the viewpoint of crime scene examination, since analysing and investigating traffic accidents requires a great deal of expertise and attention of the investigators. Complex traffic accidents include feigned accidents, hit-and-run accidents as well as accidents in which the driver and passengers, dead or alive, need to be identified. In identifying the passengers, standard criminal investigation methods as well as police forensic and forensic medicine methods are followed. Such methods include confirming the identities with identity documents, other documents and vehicle ownership, fingerprints, biological traces, fibre traces, contact traces, traces of physical injuries on the driver and passengers, etc. According to the results obtained in fingerprint detection on human skin surfaces, this method can also be applied in confirming physical contact between the driver and the passengers in the accident, e.g. in the event of moving the victims and changing the scene of the accident. Namen prispevka je pojasniti določena preiskovalna dejanja pri analizi t.j. pri kriminalistično tehničnem oz. forenzičnem ogledu kraja prometne nesreče. V primeru prometne nesreče je treba za strokovno in pravilno forenzično preiskovanje čim hitreje zavarovati kraj. Če se kraj dejanja ne zavaruje, se sledi izgube ali kontaminirajo, kar vodi do težjega dokazovanja ali pojasnjevanja dokazov v postopku ali celo do njihove popolne nezmožnosti. Vidik obravnavanja je usmerjen v izhodišča ogledne dejavnosti, saj analiza prometnih nesreč v cestnem prometu in preiskovanje zahtevajo od preiskovalcev veliko znanja in pozornosti. Zelo zahtevni so primeri fingiranih prometnih nesreč, prometnih nesreč ko vozniki ali udeleženci zapustijo kraj dogodka ter nesreče, kjer je treba ugotoviti identiteto voznika in udeležencev, živih ali mrtvih. Ugotavljanje istovetnosti udeležencev poteka po ustaljenih kriminalističnih oz. forenzičnih ter sodnomedicinskih metodah. Mednje se prišteva tudi potrditev identitete po osebnih dokumentih, dokumentih in lastništvu vozil, prstnih sledeh, bioloških sledeh, sledeh vlaken in kontaktnih sledeh, sledeh telesnih poškodb voznika in udeležencev ip. Rezultati preiskave detektiranja prstnih sledi na površini človeške kože so pokazali, da je tudi tovrstno metodo možno uporabiti pri potrditvi fizičnega kontakta voznika z udeleženci v prometni nesreči, npr. pri premikanju žrtev in fingiranju kraja dejanja.

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Published on 01/01/2012

Volume 2012, 2012
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v24i1.268
Licence: Other

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