
The aim of this research is to identify the operational conditions and performance of low cost tubular digesters producing biogas from the slaughterhouse wastewater treatment. Three full scale sequenced tubular digesters (of more than Failed to parse (syntax error): 8 m^3

each), operating in a slaughterhouse in Cochabamba (Bolivia), have been monitored during one year. The Organic Load Rate (OLR) varied from  to  (), and the Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) from  to  days. The passive solar heating design considered drove the slurry temperature to ,  more than mean ambient temperature. The first digester has been filled with soda bottle plastic rings in order to increase the internal effective surface and evaluate, obtaining that an increment in  of the internal effective surface, more than doubles the biogas production and enables higher OLRs. A Biogas Production Rate (BPR) peak of Failed to parse (syntax error): 0.2 m^3/m^3d
was observed for Failed to parse (syntax error): OLR = 0.37 kgSV/m^3d

, Failed to parse (syntax error): HRT = 9.7d

and Specific Biogas Production (SBP) = 0.55 m3/kgSV. COD removal achieves values above  from  d. A comparison with other anaerobic digestion technologies demonstrates that low cost tubular digesters with biofilm carriers, are competitive for  kg  of biogas production, and for , when the focus is on COD removal.
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Published on 01/01/2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.148
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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