
In many situations ranging from geophysics to chemical engineering, turbulent drag moves particle clouds. I will present and compare various numerical approaches. On the one hand the mean velocity profile above ground is systematically constructed subtracting momentum loss; on [...]


This work is about the development of a general algorithm for the numerical solution of flow equations: the Navier-Stokes set. This set of differential equations models the time dependent behavior of fluids. It is formed by continuity, linear momentum and an energy transport equations. [...]


We present a formulation for analysis of turbulent incompressible flows using a stabilized finite element method (FEM) based on the finite calculus (FIC) procedure. [...]


In this reply, we present updated approximations to the Colebrook equation for flow friction. The equations are equally computational simple, but with increased accuracy thanks to the optimization procedure, which was proposed by the discusser, Dr. Majid Niazkar. Our large-scale [...]


The Colebrook equation is a popular model for estimating friction loss coefficients in water and gas pipes. The model is implicit in the unknown flow friction factor, f . To date, the captured flow friction factor, f , can be extracted from the logarithmic form analytically only [...]


This reply gives two corrections of typographical errors in respect to the commented article, and then provides few comments in respect to the discussion and one improved version of the approximation of the Colebrook equation for flow friction, based on the Wright ω-function. [...]


Widely used in hydraulics, the Colebrook equation for flow friction relates implicitly to the input parameters; the Reynolds number, Re and the relative roughness of an inner pipe surface, ε/D with an unknown output parameter; the flow friction factor, λ; λ [...]


The Colebrook equation is implicitly given in respect to the unknown flow friction factor λ; λ=ζ(Re, ε∗, λ)which cannot be expressed explicitly in exact way without simplifications and use of approximate calculus. A common approach to solve [...]


The 80 year-old empirical Colebrook function ξ, widely used as an informal standard for hydraulic resistance, relates implicitly the unknown flow friction factor λ, with the known Reynolds number R e and the known relative roughness of a pipe inner surface ε*; [...]


This paper provides a new unified formula for Newtonian fluids valid for all pipe flow regimes from laminar to fully rough turbulent flow.This includes laminar flow; the unstable sharp jump from laminar to turbulent flow; and all types of turbulent regimes, including the smooth [...]