
There is a general enthusiastic approach toward autonomous vehicles, e.g. they are claimed to be the breakthrough solution for a drastic reduction of road accidents, largely caused by human errors. However, their current and potential negative effects have not been adequately addressed [...]


utomated platooning of trucks has its beneficial effects on energy saving and traffic flow efficiency. The vehicles in a platoon, however, need to maintain an extremely short headway to achieve these goals, which will result in a heavily blocked front view for the driver in a following [...]


utomated platooning of trucks has its beneficial effects on energy saving and traffic flow efficiency. The vehicles in a platoon, however, need to maintain an extremely short headway to achieve these goals, which will result in a heavily blocked front view for the driver in a following [...]


Automated vehicles can potentially transform the world’s road transportation system. Direct impacts include traffic safety, transport network efficiency, energy/emissions and personal mobility. Second order indirect impacts, such as the possibility of increased travel leading [...]