The GMPLS standardization is paving the way for new configurable Traffic Engineering (TE) policies and new survivability schemes for transport networks. In this context, a centralized Path Computation System (PCS) has been implemented, suited for transport networks with a GMPLS control [...]Abstract
This chapter traced the evolution of the foundations of transport network equilibrium modeling and analysis, with a focus on the principle methodological advances. In particular, an attempt has been made to set out in accessible fashion rigorous approaches to the formulation of a [...]Abstract
The authors construct a new measure of connectivity in the global air transport network, covering 211 countries and territories for the year 2007. It is grounded in network analysis methods, and is based on a gravity-like model that is familiar from the international trade and regional [...]Abstract
The South West of England is a very extensive region with constraints in terms of its transport network. It is imperative if the region is to optimise its economic development for transport services to fully utilise all transport modes, not least short sea shipping. To achieve this [...]Abstract
The GMPLS standardization is paving the way for the implementation of new configurable traffic engineering (TE) policies for transport networks. This paper takes aim at evaluating the effects of using bandwidth-dependent TE metrics in a centralized Path Computation System (PCS), suited [...]Abstract
This report starts with a history of high speed rail worldwide and then outlines the history of China's move toward a high-speed rail network. It explains why China is uniquely suited for a high-speed rail system. System performance indicators, such as: speed, capacity, safety, fares, [...]Abstract
Between 1900 and 2000, the length of paved roads in the United States increased from 240 km to 6,400,000 km (Peat 2002, BTS 2002) with virtually 100% of the U.S. population having almost immediate access to paved roadways. Similarly, in 1830 there were 37 km of railroad in the United [...]Abstract
This paper presents a methodology to identify key priority areas for transport investments. The methodology uses a geospatial data-driven approach and then proposes an innovative economic analysis for project appraisal. The two main steps involve (i) prioritization of road interventions [...]Abstract
Because of their critical strategic role, ports have all traditionally been subject to some form of government control even if the legal form and the intensity of this control have varied across countries. The member countries of the European Union have not been different from the [...]Abstract
Well-functioning cities reduce the economic distance between people and economic opportunities. Cities thrive because they enable matchmaking -- among people, among firms, and between people and job opportunities. This paper examines employment accessibility in Nairobi, Kenya and [...]