
For several years, the promotion of intermodal transport has been a priority for the Spanish and European authorities (Cuerda et al., 2003; Conseil National des Transports [CNT], 2005) but the importance and the recent growth of rail transport in Spain is extremely small compared [...]


International audience; The current Air traffic System in Europe relies on airspace and airport capacity estimates computed by the Air National Service Providers (ANSPs) using demand forecast and Air traffic Controllers operations schedules. The Demand Capacity Balancing (DCB) aims [...]


Travel patterns of people across Australian cities have been dominated by private cars. As noted by transport researchers, a sustainable transportation system encourages people to make the shift towards non-motorised transport (i.e. public and active transport) and emerging types [...]


Based on original research collected through semi-structured research interviews and five focus groups throughout Denmark, this study explores Danish perceptions about ad hoc, acquaintance-based, and organization-based ridesharing (“carpooling”). Using a grounded, qualitative [...]