This paper presents a finite element that incorporates weak, strong and both weak plus strong discontinuities with linear interpolations of the unknown jumps for the modeling of internal interfaces. The new enriched space is built by subdividing each triangular or tetrahedral element in several standard linear sub-elements. The new degrees of freedom coming from the assembly of the sub-elements can be eliminated by static condensation at the element level, resulting in two main advantages: first, an elemental enrichment instead of a nodal one, which presents an important reduction of the compunting time when the internal interface is moving all around the domain and second, an efficient implementation involving minor modifications allowing to reuse existing finite element codes. The equations for the internal interface are constructed by imposing the local equilibrium between the stresses in the bulk of the element and the tractions driving the cohesive law, with the proper equilibrium operators to account for the linear kinematics of the discontinuity. To improve the continuity of the unknowns on both sides of the elements on which a static condensation is done, a contour integral has been added. These contour integrals named inter-elemental forces can be interpreted as a “do nothing” boundary condition (Coppola-Owen and Codina, 2011) published in another context, or as the usage of weighting functions that ensure convergence of the approach as proposed by J.C. Simo (Simo and Rifai, 1990). A series of numerical tests for scalar unknowns as a simple representation of more general numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the performance of the enriched elemental space.
This paper presents a finite element that incorporates weak, strong and both weak plus strong discontinuities with linear interpolations of [...]
In a previous paper, the authors presented an elemental enriched space to be used in a finite‐element framework (EFEM) capable of reproducing kinks and jumps in an unknown function using a fixed mesh in which the jumps and kinks do not coincide with the interelement boundaries. In this previous publication, only scalar transport problems were solved (thermal problems). In the present work, these ideas are generalized to vectorial unknowns, in particular, the incompressible Navier‐Stokes equations for multifluid flows presenting internal moving interfaces. The advantage of the EFEM compared with global enrichment is the significant reduction in computing time when the internal interface is moving. In the EFEM, the matrix to be solved at each time step has not only the same amount of degrees of freedom (DOFs) but also the same connectivity between the DOFs. This frozen matrix graph enormously improves the efficiency of the solver. Another characteristic of the elemental enriched space presented here is that it allows a linear variation of the jump, thus improving the convergence rate, compared with other enriched spaces that have a constant variation of the jump. Furthermore, the implementation in any existing finite‐element code is extremely easy with the version presented here because the new shape functions are based on the usual finite‐element method shape functions for triangles or tetrahedrals, and once the internal DOFs are statically condensed, the resulting elements have exactly the same number of unknowns as the nonenriched finite elements.
In a previous paper, the authors presented an elemental enriched space to be used in a finite‐element framework (EFEM) capable of reproducing kinks and jumps in an unknown function using [...]