The measurement of the mental workload during real tasks by means of neurophysiological signals is still challenging. The employment of Machine Learning techniques has allowed a step forward in this direction, however, most of the work has dealt with binary classification. This study [...]Abstract
Although pilots are often supported by signage, markings and lighting when taxiing on the airport surface, navigation and monitoring remain workload intense tasks even in good weather conditions. Radio communication is near capacity limits on many airports today resulting in waiting [...]Abstract
In this report, we study the problem of optimizing the throughput of applications for heterogeneous platforms subject to failures. The considered applications are composed of a sequence of consecutive tasks linked as a linear graph (pipeline), with a type associated to each task. [...]Abstract
Automation has been introduced more and more into the role of air traffic control (ATC). As with many other areas of human activity, automation has the objective of reducing the complexity of the task so that performance is optimised and safer. However, automation can also have negative [...]Abstract
Recent developments of information technology and mobile lifestyle have forced drivers to multitask while they drive. The in-vehicle infotainment technology is already taking its place in the transformation of vehicles towards more intelligent and interactive devices rather than [...]Abstract
The design of large-scale critical infrastructures demands for innovative data dissemination services, able to jointly provide reliability and timeliness guarantees. Current middleware solutions do not address both these aspects. Indeed, fault tolerance is typically achieved at the [...]Abstract
At recent years, air traffic demand increased at double-digit figures at several Brazilian airports and as a consequence increased controller workload was observed at many Sectors of the Air Traffic Control Facilities, with clear indications that demand consistently surpassed the [...]Abstract
This thesis deals with the development of an Airspace Sector Occupancy Model (ASOM). The model determines the occupancy of Air Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) sectors for a given geometry of sectors and flight schedules, and can be used to study the impact of alternative flight schedules [...]Abstract
International audience; The measurement of the operators' workload is an important aspect of usage-oriented design of professional systems. In domains such as avionics, air traffic management or mission systems, being able to quantify the operators' workload under stress, and in potentially [...]Abstract
International audience; In this paper, we introduce an Ant Colony System algorithm which finds optimal or near-optimal sequences of airspace partitions, taking into account some constraints on the transitions between two successive airspace configurations. The transitions should be [...]