
International audience; OpenStreetMap data comprise of very detailed (e.g. zebra crossing) and quite rough features (e.g. built-up area). But making large scale maps from data with inconsistent level of detail often blurs map comprehension. This paper explores the automatic harmonization [...]


International audience; The paper presents empirical research on the quality of the toponyms that can be retrieved from OpenStreetMap (OSM) under the purpose of enriching authoritative toponymic databases and gazetteers. An analysis on the volatility of places and points-of-interest [...]


Part 2: eEnvironment and Cross-Border Services in Digital Agenda for Europe; International audience; We investigate the potential role Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) can play in eEvironment and various Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) on a local, regional, and national [...]


International audience; Traditionally, national mapping agencies produced datasets and map products for a low number of specified and internally consistent scales, i.e. at a common level of detail (LoD). With the advent of projects like OpenStreetMap, data users are increasingly confronted [...]


Spatial data is becoming increasingly important to decision making in all areas of life, affecting all types of businesses and services, right down to individuals throughout our towns, cities and countryside. With the rise of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), government initiatives [...]


von Jan Bastian Behrens Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Wien, Techn. Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2014


The appearance of OpenStreetMap (OSM) in 2004 sparked a phenomenon known as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Today, VGI comes in many flavours (e.g. toponyms, GPS tracks, geo-tagged photos, micro-blogging or complete topographic maps) and from various sources. One subject [...]


Finding relevant geospatial information is increasingly critical because of the growing volume of geospatial data available within the emerging “Big Data” era. Users are expecting that the availability of massive datasets will create more opportunities to uncover hidden information [...]


Crowdsourcing (geo-) information and participatory GIS are among the current hot topics in research and industry. Various projects are implementing participatory sensing concepts within their workflow in order to benefit from the power of volunteers, and improve their product quality [...]