In many circumstances, a principal, who wants prices to be as low as possible, must contract with agents who would like to charge the monopoly price. This paper compares a Demsetz auction, which awards an exclusive contract to the agent bidding the lowest price (competition for the [...]Abstract
This paper considers second-best pricing as it arises through incomplete coverage of full networks. The main principles are first reviewed by considering the classic two-route problem and some extensions that have been studied more recently. In most of these studies the competing [...]Abstract
This paper studies some of the properties and fundamentals of static models of road traffic congestion that have triggered much debate in the literature. The first part of the paper focuses in particular on the difficulties arising with the backward-bending cost curve in the context [...]Abstract
This paper explores the interrelations between pricing, capacity choice and financingin transportation networks. It builds on the famous Mohring-Harwitz result on self-financing ofoptimally designed roads under optimal congestion pricing, and specifically investigates itsins and outs [...]Abstract
Paper submission from Erik Verhoef (everhoef@econ.vu.nl)Discussion Paper Submission Form - STEP 1This discussion paper abstract is submitted by Erik Verhoef (everhoef@econ.vu.nl)Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0Series: Tinbergen Institute Discussion PapersCreation-Date: Number: Author-Name: [...]Abstract
The 'backhaul problem' is characterized by an imbalance in transport flows between locations. This problem is usually studied in a perfectly competitive framework, which essentially predicts that when the imbalance is sufficiently large, the freight price of transport from low demand [...]Abstract
This paper considers the use of 'long-run cost functions' for congested networks in solving second-best network problems, in which capacity and tolls are instruments. We derive analytical results both for general cost and demand functions and for specific functional forms, namely [...]Abstract
This discussion paper led to a publication in 'Transportation Research Part B: Methodological' . The traditional bottleneck model for road congestion promotes the implementation of a triangular, fully time varying, charge as the optimal solution for the road congestion externality. [...]Abstract
This discussion paper resulted in a publication in 'Transportation Research Part B: Methodological' , 2013, 53, 31-44. We analyse the behaviour of market participants in a multi-modal commuter network where roads are not priced, but public transport has a usage fee, which is set while [...]