The research presented in this thesis investigates sea and aviation transport safety culture, with a focus on perceptions and attitudes. A safety culture reflects the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values that individuals share in relation to safety. Safety culture is often identified as being essential to an organization's ability to manage safety-related aspects of its operations. The aims of this research are: to assess individual perceptions and judgments of safety culture in practical contexts by using nine aspects of safety culture found in the safety culture literature; to increase knowledge about the safety culture aspects by conducting comparative studies in three transport branches; and to investigate relationships between safety culture aspects and organizational climate dimensions. The approach to safety culture presented in this thesis focuses on good organizational learning and investigates nine aspects: Learning, Reporting, Justness, Flexibility, Communication, Attitudes towards safety, Safety-related behaviours, Risk perception, and Working situation."br /" "br /" Studies were conducted in airport ground handling (one site), passenger shipping (six ships), and air traffic control (three sites), where the safety culture was assessed using observations, questionnaire packages, interviews, and collection of facts. In total, 949 subjects completed a questionnaire package containing nine scales, one for each safety culture aspect, and 80 interviews were conducted. Ekvall's organizational climate questionnaire, which focuses in part on an organization's ability for innovation and change, was completed by 719 subjects."br /" "br /" The nine scales representing the nine safety culture aspects were found to function well with good reliability in the three transport settings, and may constitute valuable methods for monitoring and improving safety culture in working environments. Obtaining both questionnaire data (the nine scales) and interview data was valuable; the questionnaire package provided comparative data across transport branches and allowed establishment of reference data concerning safety culture aspects in each of the three branches. The interviews provided knowledge and examples of positive and negative expressions of safety culture that the interviewees had experienced."br /" "br /" The comparative studies of safety culture aspects were conducted using a multiplex approach of data collection, which provided valuable knowledge about safety culture in practical contexts."br /" "br /" The comparisons of average scores for the nine safety culture aspects showed that air traffic control often had somewhat higher average scores than the other two branches, while the ground handling ramp organization generally had the lowest average scores."br /" "br /" Compared to employees, managers generally had somewhat more positive perceptions and judgments of safety culture aspects, but the two groups differed very little in their perceptions and judgments of the organizational climate. Managers? expectations and goals concerning safety culture aspects were compared to employees? actual questionnaire scores. Employees? reports of the safety culture aspects were often poorer than both managers? estimations of reality and managers? lower acceptable limits for safety culture aspect scores."br /" "br /" Individual characteristics, such as gender, age, and time in company, were found to have very little effect on how the safety culture aspects were perceived and judged."br /" "br /" The organizational climate on board three passenger/cargo ships was found to be somewhere in between the normative ?innovative? and the ?stagnating? organization types, and very often closer to the ?stagnating? type. The organizational climate at each of the three air traffic control sites was similar to the climate in ?innovative? organizations."br /" "br /" Relationships existed between safety culture aspects and organizational climate dimensions. In passenger shipping, better Challenge/Motivation among personnel and a higher level of Support for ideas were significantly positively related to most safety culture aspects. In air traffic control, a higher level of Support for ideas and a lower level of Conflicts were significantly positively related to many safety culture aspects."br /" "br /" The results show that learning processes are better developed in the air traffic control setting than in passenger shipping and airport ground handling ramp activities. Compared to the other two branches, air traffic control can be characterized by a more mature approach to reporting anomalies and by having a more developed procedure for analysing limitations and implementing improvements."br /" "br /" Further research in the safety culture field should concentrate on developing methods for assessing the behavioural and situational areas of safety culture; testing the relation of safety culture to safety management and safety behaviour; determining which aspects and items are important for measuring safety culture; and finding indications of what elements influence safety behaviours, and how they exert this influence. I forskningsarbetet som presenteras i denna avhandling har säkerhetskulturen studerats inom sjö- och flygtransportbranscherna med fokus på individers attityder och uppfattningar om säkerhetskulturen. En säkerhetskultur avspeglar de attityder, uppfattningar och värderingar som individer i en organisation delar när det gäller säkerheten. Säkerhetskulturen identifieras ofta vara grundläggande för en organisations förmåga att hantera säkerhetsrelaterade aspekter. Målsättningarna med forskningsarbetet har varit: att i praktiska sammanhang undersöka individers uppfattningar och bedömningar av nio aspekter av en säkerhetskultur vilka återfinns i litteraturen inom forskningsområdet; att få ökad kunskap om de nio säkerhetskulturaspekterna genom att genomföra jämförande studier i tre transportbranscher; att undersöka relationer mellan säkerhetskulturaspekterna och dimensioner i organisationsklimatet. Den säkerhetskulturansats som presenteras i avhandlingen fokuserar på gott organisatoriskt lärande och undersöker nio aspekter: Lärande, Rapporterande, Rättvisa, Flexibilitet, Kommunikation, Attityder till säkerhet, Säkerhetsrelaterade beteenden, Riskperception och Arbetssituation."br /" "br /" Studier genomfördes i följande branscher: inom en rampverksamhet på flygplats, inom passagerarsjöfart (sex fartyg) och inom flygtrafikledning (tre enheter). Säkerhetskulturen studerades genom att använda observationer, frågeformulärpaket, intervjuer och insamling av fakta. Totalt fyllde 949 subjekt i frågeformulärpaketet som innehöll nio frågeformulär (en för varje säkerhetskulturaspekt) och 80 intervjuer relaterade till säkerhetskulturen genomfördes. 719 subjekt fyllde i Ekvalls organisationsklimatfrågeformulär vilket delvis fokuserar på att mäta en organisations förmåga till innovation och förändring."br /" "br /" De nio frågeformulären som representerade de nio säkerhetskulturaspekterna visade sig fungera bra (med god reliabilitet) i de tre transportbranscherna, och kan utgöra värdefulla metoder för att monitorera och förbättra säkerhetskulturen i praktiska sammanhang. Att samla in data genom både frågeformulär och intervjuer var värdefullt; frågeformulärpaketet gav data som tillät jämförelse mellan transportbranscher och en möjlighet att skapa ett referensmaterial inom varje transportbransch. Intervjuerna gav kunskap om och exempel på positiva och negativa yttringar av säkerhetskulturen som de intervjuade hade fått erfarenhet av."br /" "br /" Jämförelser av de nio säkerhetskulturaspekternas medelvärden visade att flygtrafikledningen ofta hade något högre medelvärden jämfört med de andra två branscherna, medan ramporganisationen generellt sett hade de lägre medelvärdena."br /" "br /" Jämfört med anställda så hade ledare generellt sett mer positiva uppfattningar om säkerhetskulturaspekterna, men de två grupperna skiljde sig mycket litet åt i hur man uppfattade organisationsklimatet. Ledares förväntningar och mål när det gällde säkerhetskulturaspekterna jämfördes med anställdas verkliga värden på säkerhetskulturaspekterna erhållna från frågeformulärdata. De värden/bedömningar som anställda gav för säkerhetskulturaspekterna var ofta lägre/sämre än både ledares uppskattning av verkligheten och ledares lägsta acceptabla gräns för värden på säkerhetskulturaspekterna."br /" "br /" Individfaktorer som kön, ålder, tid i företaget visade sig ha liten effekt på hur säkerhetskulturaspekterna uppfattades och bedömdes."br /" "br /" Organisationsklimatet som studerades ombord på tre av de sex fartygen kunde till sin karaktär placeras mellan de normativa ?innovativa? och ?stagnerade? organisationstyperna, och ofta närmare den ?stagnerade? typen."br /" "br /" Organisationsklimatet inom de tre enheterna inom flygtrafikledningen var i huvuddrag mest lik klimatet i ?innovativa? organisationer."br /" "br /" Man kunde hitta relationer mellan säkerhetskulturaspekterna och organisationsklimatdimensionerna. Inom passagerarsjöfarten var bättre Utmaning/Motivation hos personalen och ett bättre Idéstöd signifikant positivt relaterat till de flesta säkerhetskulturaspekterna. Inom flygtrafikledningen, var ett bättre Idéstöd och färre Konflikter signifikant positivt relaterade till många säkerhetskulturaspekter."br /" "br /" Resultaten visade att processer för lärande är bättre utvecklade inom flygtrafikledningen än inom passagerarsjöfart och rampverksamhet. Jämfört med de andra två branscherna, kan flygtrafikledningen karakteriseras ha en mer mogen ansats till att rapportera anomalier och ha en mer utvecklad process för att analysera och implementera förbättringar."br /" "br /" Fortsatt forskning inom säkerhetskulturområdet bör fokusera på att utveckla metoder för att mäta beteendeelement och systemelement hos en säkerhetskultur; testa relationen mellan säkerhetskultur, säkerhetshantering och säkerhetsbeteenden; bestämma vilka aspekter och specifika frågor som är viktiga vid mätning av säkerhetskultur; samt söka finna vilka komponenter som påverkar säkerhetsbeteenden och hur dessa komponenter utövar sitt inflytande på säkerhetsbeteenden.Abstract
The research presented in this thesis investigates sea and aviation transport safety culture, with a focus on perceptions and attitudes. A safety culture reflects the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values that individuals share in relation to safety. Safety culture is often [...]Abstract
- Vol. I"br /" "br /" In this Volume of the thesis, which consists of two volumes, a risk analysis framework for application in the maritime transport system of packaged dangerous goods (PDG) is presented. In many countries, dangerous goods risks have been ranked high among public concerns. Such concerns are mainly due to the increasing volume of dangerous goods, human safety and health and environmental risks and threats they pose, and the general belief that these risks should be managed more efficiently and effectively. The literature study shows that, in recent years, the risk management system has become a "hot" topic for many countries and organisations. Many risk assessment frameworks have been developed in the shipping and other industries, sectors or areas. In the maritime industry, they are primarily developed for analysis of the risks for the industry in general and in particular for maritime transport of bulk dangerous cargoes such as oil, oil products, liquefied gases and other bulk liquid chemicals. The FSA (Formal Safety Assessment) framework of the International Maritime Organisation, which is one of the most widely used ("authoritative") frameworks in the shipping industry, is a generic framework. However, the framework is not intended for application in all circumstances, including the risks of the maritime transport of PDG. Consequently, the FSA is adapted or simply applied or tested in several maritime-related systems, activities and issues, but not in the maritime transport of PDG. Furthermore, a specific risk analysis framework for application in maritime transport of PDG has not been found. Therefore, on the basis of understanding gained from the extensive literature study of some of the world's best frameworks and techniques, guidelines and practices in shipping and other industries and sectors, and analysis of large amounts of empirical data, a risk analysis framework has been developed for readily application in the maritime transport system of PDG. Efforts have been made to strengthen validity and reliability of the framework. This study contributes to the communities of academics and practitioners. In Volume II of this thesis, the framework is demonstrated step-by-step in practice based on large amounts of empirical data. Recommendations for improving risk methodology and human safety and health and protection of the marine environment and property are provided."br /" "br /" Abstract - Vol. II"br /" "br /" Volume II of the thesis presents the results of the validating demonstration of the risk analysis framework presented in Chapter 5, Volume I. For a number of interrelated reasons, including enhancing external validity, ensuring data and methodology triangulations, and filling gaps and extending the data, the risk analysis framework is step-by-step demonstrated in practice based on combination of the qualitative and quantitative empirical data and data analysis methods. The main datasets included: a) a representative marine accident case history; and b) the statistical incident data collected from the two largest U.S.'s hazmat (hazardous materials) incident databases. In this study, considerable efforts have been made to enhance understanding of dangerous goods risks. Given the size and uniqueness of the empirical data, this study might be one of the largest of its kind, and some of the results might not be found elsewhere. Based on understanding and the results of the risk analysis, detailed recommendations for improving human safety and health, and the protection of the marine environment and property are provided. The validating demonstration showed that the risk analysis framework satisfies both validity and reliability conditions. The results of the risk analysis replicated the framework. This study contributes to both communities - academics and practitioners alike. Given the representativeness, the large size and the diversity of the data, and the universal properties of the systems and risks studied, many results and recommendations are also valid for other systems and risks in other locations, countries or regions, including the countries of the Baltic Sea Region. Some results will assist relevant organisations or institutions to predict and explain phenomena. They may serve as the basis for further study and development of risk evaluation criteria in the field. The risk analysis framework contains many specific and detailed guidelines and firsthand experiences that will assist, but not guarantee, risk analysts to prepare and perform risk analyses and projects, including identification, selection and collection of relevant risk-related data and data analysis methods and techniques, and generation and presentation of detailed, valid, reliable as well as transparent results in a more efficient and effective manner.Abstract
- Vol. I"br /" "br /" In this Volume of the thesis, which consists of two volumes, a risk analysis framework for application in the maritime transport system of packaged dangerous goods (PDG) is presented. In many countries, dangerous goods risks have been ranked high among public [...]Abstract
Much of earlier work on predictive models for accidents has been focused on rural traffic or urban intersections. This work has aimed at identifying and investigating possible improvements to predictive models for accidents on urban links. A special focus has been on the accidents of vulnerable road users."br /" "br /" The possible improvements investigated have been: a) the use of exposure data for vulnerable road users, b) the use of actual vehicle speeds, c) to separate vehicle accidents into single vehicle and multiple vehicle accidents and model each type separately."br /" "br /" The study involved eight Swedish cities, of which six were included in the development of accident models. In addition to police-reported traffic accidents, data for the models were collected in specific field studies and partly from the cities."br /" "br /" The study shows that the inclusion of exposure data for vulnerable road users in the models for vulnerable road users? accidents greatly improves the predictive ability of the models. Vehicle speeds were found to be very difficult to use in the models as vehicle speeds are highly correlated with most of the other variables and make the model coefficients unstable. The separate modelling of single and multiple vehicle accidents failed partly as the single vehicle accidents were too few for constructing sound models. The models for multiple vehicle accidents developed, however, had a better predictive ability than models for all vehicle accidents. Land use was the next important explanatory variable for most accident types after the exposure variables."br /" "br /" Accident models were developed with one data set and validated with another data set. The models performed very well in prediction by explaining between 71% and 81% of the systematic variation in the validation data. The validation indicated that exponents were 0.5 for both the flows of pedestrians and motor vehicles in models for accidents involving vulnerable road users, and 1.0 for the motor vehicle flow exponent in the models for motor vehicle accidents. For bicyclist accidents the correct exponent for bicyclist flows is likely to be somewhat lower than 0.5, close to 0.35."br /" "br /" The study also recommended practical uses for the models, listed the lessons learned from the modelling as well as proposed a number of topics for further research.Abstract
Much of earlier work on predictive models for accidents has been focused on rural traffic or urban intersections. This work has aimed at identifying and investigating possible improvements to predictive models for accidents on urban links. A special focus has been on the accidents [...]