
Spanish Golden Age Culture is an age of secrets and secrecy. Among its playwrights, Pedro Calderón de la Barca shows the most complex comprehension of this subject. During the entirety of his career he refers to it in numerous comedies, creates metaphors concerning different aspects [...]


The public enactment of secrecy is part of the Spanish Golden Age culture. This article presents a research project, which pursues three objectives: 
A study of secrecy as a core characteristic of Spanish Golden Age culture, on the basis of historiographical studies, sources [...]


This article analyses how Calderón used the realm of the mine in one of his capa y espada comedies, Primero soy yo (c. 1640-1642), in order to show that it has a double use (metaphorical and theatrical) that Calderón derives from Lope de Vega’s writings. After [...]