
This paper describes a study which gives insight into the size of improvement that is possible with individual in-car routing advice based on the actual traffic situation derived from floating car data (FCD). It also gives an idea about the required penetration rate of floating car [...]


utomated driving technology is emerging. Yet, little is known in the literature about when automated vehicles will reach the market, how penetration rates will evolve and to what extent this new transport technology will affect transport demand and planning. This study uses scenario [...]


In a bid to cost-effectively tackle congestion, traffic management is often seen as a key option to utilise road capacity. Prior to the application of traffic management measures, a-priori analysis allows the effectiveness of measures to be judged and where necessary adapted. However, [...]


The EU-sponsored VRUITS project has prioritized ITS applications which have a potential to improve the safety, mobility and comfort of vulnerable road users (VRUs) and performed a quantitative safety, mobility and comfort assessment for the 10 most promising systems. The assessment [...]