
Presentation held at the second public workshop of the FIBRESHIP project, held at La Ciotat, France, on 25th of June 2019.

The second public workshop of the FIBRESHIP project offered to the participants [...]


Within the framework of SENSKIN EU project (grant No. 635844), we have developed a soft capacitive sensor using silicone dielectric elastomer for Structural health monitoring (SHM). This sensor has a thin layer of stretchable silicone dielectric film and soft silicone electrodes as [...]


Fiber optic sensors, both FBG point sensors and distributed sensors based on OFDR, are accepted and validated as temperature and strain sensors, enjoy a high TRL and are already in use in many industrial applications. The determination of occurrence of damage from strain measures [...]


The RPAS (Remote Piloted Air System) MILANO is the largest unmanned aerial system developed by INTA that aims to become a research platform capable of carrying out in-flight tests with many scientific payload, thus complementing the Air Research Platforms (PAIs) of INTA. At the [...]


Aunque las tecnologías basadas en DOFSs (Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors) son de sobra conocidas, su aplicación al campo de los materiales compuestos se ve fuertemente limitada en situaciones en las que coexisten fenómenos mecánicos y térmicos. [...]


The CFRP wing box section under investigation is a stringer less wing-box (develop within the OPTICOMS research project) and consists of two portions: an upper part, made of co-cured spars and a top skin panel, and a bottom cured skin panel. The two portions are joined with a bonding [...]