The construction of railway infrastructure should be dealt with as a national strategic developmental programme, which due to technical, geographical, logistical, and other requirements is carried out through a number of projects and represents a complex multiple project operation for investors, contractors, and other influential players. The national strategic developmental programme for the construction of the railway infrastructure is connected through programmes in neighbouring countries and EU member states to Trans-European Networks (TEN) that strategically regulate construction within the community. In the Republic of Slovenia, the construction of railway infrastructure within TEN programmes is carried out on the pan-European traffic corridors V and X within individual projects for the construction of sections and a number of supporting projects. Technical requirements, deadlines, and other TEN requirements as well as national strategic requirements and financial possibilities of the state represent basic criteria that should be taken into consideration in setting up a strategic project plan, with optimal project classification achieved through the implementation project portfolio. The current article utilised the method of multiple-criteria decision analysis to prepare the portfolio, taking into account macroeconomic and infrastructural criteria. Consequently, the results represent the basis for the preparation of an optimal financial plan with regard to financing possibilities of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union. The article also summarised the research results regarding the formation of the project implementation process of the TEN-T network construction in the Republic of Slovenia. Izgradnjo železniške infrastrukture je potrebno obravnavati kot nacionalni strateški razvojni program, ki se zaradi tehničnih, geografskih, logističnih in drugih zahtev izvaja z več projekti in pomeni za investitorje, izvajalce in druge vplivne dejavnike kompleksno multiprojektno poslovanje. Nacionalni strateški razvojni program izgradnje železniške infrastrukture se navezuje na programe sosednjih držav in v primeru držav, ki so članice EU, na Trans-evropsko transportno omrežje (TEN), ki strateško ureja to izgradnjo v okviru te skupnosti. V R Sloveniji se izgradnja železniške infrastrukture v okviru TEN izvaja na V. in X. pan-evropskima prometnima koridorjema s posameznimi projekti izgradnje odsekov in vrsto podpirajočih projektov. Tehnične, rokovne in druge zahteve TEN, nacionalne strateške zahteve ter finančne možnosti države so osrednji kriteriji, ki se morajo upoštevati pri pripravi strateškega projektnega plana z optimalnim razvrščanjem projektov, kar daje izvedbeni protfelj projektov. Za oblikovanje portfelja je bila uporabljena metoda večkriterijskega razvrščanja, kjer so bili upoštevani makroekonomski in infrastrukturni kriteriji, hkrati pa je osnova za izdelavo finančnega plana, ki je optimalen glede na možnosti financiranja s strani R Slovenije in EU. Članek podaja tudi izsledke raziskave oblikovanja procesa projektnega izvajanja izgradnje TEN-T omrežja v R Sloveniji.
The construction of railway infrastructure should be dealt with as a national strategic developmental programme, which due to technical, geographical, logistical, and other requirements is carried out through a number of projects and represents a complex multiple project operation