A weighted least squares finite point method for compressible flow is formulated. Starting from a global cloud of points, local clouds are constructed using a Delaunay technique with a series of tests for the quality of the resulting approximations. The approximation factors for the gradient and the Laplacian of the resulting local clouds are used to derive an edge‐based solver that works with approximate Riemann solvers. The results obtained show accuracy comparable to equivalent mesh‐based finite volume or finite element techniques, making the present finite point method competitive.
A weighted least squares finite point method for compressible flow is formulated. Starting from a global cloud of points, local clouds are constructed using a Delaunay technique with a [...]
An advancing front space‐filling technique for arbitrary objects has been developed. The input required consists of the specification of the desired mean point distance in space and an initial triangulation of the surface. One object at a time is removed from the active front, and, if possible, surrounded by admissible new objects. This operation is repeated until no active objects are left. Two techniques to obtain maximum packing are discussed: closest object placement (during generation) and move/enlarge (after generation). Different deposition or layering patterns can be achieved by selecting the order in which objects are eliminated from the active front. Timings show that for simple objects like spheres the scheme is considerably faster than volume mesh generators based on the advancing front technique, making it possible to generate large (> 106) yet optimal clouds of points in a matter of minutes on a PC. For more general objects, the performance may degrade depending on the complexity of the penetration checks. Several examples are included that demonstrate the capabilities of the technique.
An advancing front space‐filling technique for arbitrary objects has been developed. The input required consists of the specification of the desired mean point distance in space and an [...]
An algorithm to construct boundary‐conforming, isotropic clouds of points with variable density in space is described. The input required consists of a specified mean point distance and an initial triangulation of the surface. Borrowing a key concept from advancing front grid generators, one point at a time is removed and, if possible, surrounded by admissible new points. This operation is repeated until no active points are left. Timings show that the scheme is about an order of magnitude faster than volume grid generators based on the advancing front technique, making it possible to generate large (>106) yet optimal clouds of points in a matter of minutes on a workstation. Several examples are included that demonstrate the capabilities of the technique.
An algorithm to construct boundary‐conforming, isotropic clouds of points with variable density in space is described. The input required consists of a specified mean point distance and [...]
The paper presents a fully meshless procedure fo solving partial differential equations. The approach termed generically the ‘finite point method’ is based on a weighted least square interpolation of point data and point collocation for evaluating the approximation integrals. Some examples showing the accuracy of the method for solution of adjoint and non‐self adjoint equations typical of convective‐diffusive transport and also to the analysis of compressible fluid mechanics problem are presented.
The paper presents a fully meshless procedure fo solving partial differential equations. The approach termed generically the ‘finite point method’ is based on a weighted least [...]