
Extended use of plant ingredients in Atlantic salmon farming has increased the need for knowledge on the effects of new nutrients and contaminants in plant based feeds on fish health and nutrient-contaminant interactions. Primary Atlantic salmon hepatocytes were exposed to a mixture [...]


Partially and fully automated vehicles (AVs) are being developed and tested in different countries. These vehicles are being designed to reduce and ultimately eliminate the role of human drivers in the future. Most fatal accidents of vulnerable road users (VRUs), pedestrians, cyclists [...]


We seek to quantify smartwatch use, and establish differences and similarities to smartphone use. Our analysis considers use traces from 307 users that include over 2.8 million notifications and 800,000 screen usage events, and we compare our findings to previous work that quantifies [...]


n insufficient functional relationship between adjustment factors and saturation flow rate (SFR) in the U.S. Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) method increases an additional prediction bias. The error of SFR predictions can reach 8%&ndash 10%. To solve this problem, this paper proposes [...]