A Navier–Stokes solver based on Cartesian structured finite volume discretization with embedded bodies is presented. Fluid structure interaction with solid bodies is performed with an explicit partitioned strategy. The Navier–Stokes equations are solved in the whole domain via a Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations (SIMPLE) using a colocated finite volume scheme, stabilized via the Rhie–Chow discretization. As uniform Cartesian grids are used, the solid interface usually do not coincide with the mesh, and then a second order Immersed Boundary Method is proposed, in order to avoid the loss of precision due to the staircase representation of the surface. This fact also affects the computation of fluid forceson the solid wall and, accordingly, the results in the fluid–structure analysis. In the present work, first and second order approximations for computing the fluid forces at the interface are studied and compared. The solver is specially oriented to General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GPGPU) hardware and the efficiency is discussed. Moreover, a novel submerged buoy experiment is also reported. The experiment consists of a sphere with positive buoyancy fully submerged in a cubic tank, subject to harmonic displacements imposed by a shake table. The sphere is attached to the bottom of the tank with a string. The position of the buoy is determined from video records with a Motion Capture algorithm. The obtained amplitude and phase curves allow a precise determination of the added massand drag forces. Due to this aspect the experimental data can be of interest for comparison with other fluid–structure interaction codes. Finally, the numerical results are compared with the experiments, and allow the confirmation of the numerically predicted drag and added mass of the body.
A Navier–Stokes solver based on Cartesian structured finite volume discretization with embedded bodies is presented. Fluid [...]
Graphic processing units have received much attention in last years. Compute-intensive algorithms operating on multidimensional arrays that have nearest neighbor dependency and/or exploit data locality can achieve massive speedups. Simulation of problems modeled by time-dependent Partial Differential Equations by using explicit time-stepping methods on structured grids is an instance of such GPU-friendly algorithms. Solvers for transient incompressible fluid flow cannot be developed in a fully explicit manner due to the incompressibility constraint. Segregated algorithms like the fractional step method require the solution of a Poisson problem for the pressure field at each time level. This stage is usually the most time-consuming one. This work discuss a solver for the pressure problem in applications using immersed boundary techniques in order to account for moving solid bodies. This solver is based on standard Conjugate Gradients iterations and depends on the availability of a fast Poisson solver on the whole domain to define a preconditioner. We provide a theoretical and numerical evidence on the advantages of our approach versus classical techniques based on fixed point iterations such as the Iterated Orthogonal Projection method.
Graphic processing units have received much attention in last years. Compute-intensive algorithms operating on multidimensional arrays that have nearest neighbor dependency and/or exploit [...]
The present article describes a simple element-driven strategy for the conforming refinement of simplicial finite element meshes in a distributed environment. The proposed algorithm is effective both for local adaptive refinement and for the division of all the elements within an existing mesh. We aim to provide sufficient detail to allow the practical implementation of the algorithm, which can be coded with minimal effort provided that a distributed linear algebra library is available. The proposed refinement strategy is composed of three basic components: a global splitting strategy, an elemental splitting procedure and an error estimation technique, which are combined so to guarantee obtaining a conformant refined mesh. A number of benchmark examples show the capabilities of the proposed method. Error is estimated for the incompressible fluid-flow benchmarks using a novel indicator based on the computation of the sub-scale velocity.
The present article describes a simple element-driven strategy for the conforming refinement of simplicial finite element meshes in a distributed environment. The proposed algorithm is [...]
The spatial discretization of unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations is stated as a system of differential algebraic equations, corresponding to the conservation of momentum equation plus the constraint due to the incompressibility condition. Asymptotic stability of Runge–Kutta and Rosenbrock methods applied to the solution of the resulting index-2 differential algebraic equations system is analyzed. A critical comparison of Rosenbrock, semi-implicit, and fully implicit Runge–Kutta methods is performed in terms of order of convergence and stability. Numerical examples, considering a discontinuous Galerkin formulation with piecewise solenoidal approximation, demonstrate the applicability of the approaches and compare their performance with classical methods for incompressible flows.
The spatial discretization of unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations is stated as a system of differential algebraic equations, corresponding [...]