Processor simulators are important parts of processor design toolsets in which they are used to verify and evaluate the properties of the designed processors. While simulating architectures with independent function unit pipelines using simulation techniques that avoid the overhead [...]Abstract
We introduce a fixedpoint algorithm for verifying safety properties of hybrid systems with differential equations whose right-hand sides are polynomials in the state variables. In order to verify nontrivial systems without solving their differential equations and without numerical [...]Abstract
A spatially abstracted transportation network is a graph where nodes are territory compartments (areas in geographic space) and edges, or links, are abstract constructs, each link representing all possible paths between two neighboring areas. By applying visual analytics techniques [...]Abstract
A spatially abstracted transportation network is a graph where nodes are territory compartments (areas in geographic space) and edges, or links, are abstract constructs, each link representing all possible paths between two neighboring areas. By applying visual analytics techniques [...]Abstract
This paper describes the £ 120M UK 'e-Science' (http://www.research-councils.ac.uk/and http://www.escience-grid.org.uk) initiative and begins by defining what is meant by the term e-Science. The majority of the £ 120M, some £ 75M, is funding large-scale e-Science pilot projects [...]Abstract
Increasing single instruction multiple data (SIMD) capabilities in modern hardware allows for the compilation of data-parallel query pipelines. This means GPU-alike challenges arise: control flow divergence causes the underutilization of vector-processing units. In this paper, we [...]Abstract
In this era of ubiquitous computing, coupled with the emergence of big data and internet of things, there have been constant changes in every aspect of cloud data center communications - its network connectivity, data storage, data transfer, and architectural design. As a result of [...]Abstract
Vehicle platooning has gained attention for its potential to achieve an increased road capacity and safety, and a higher fuel efficiency. Member vehicles of a platoon wirelessly communicate complying with industrial standards such as IEEE 802.11p. By exchanging information with other [...]Abstract
Several major Internet service providers (e.g., Level-3, AT&T, Verizon) today also offer content distribution services. The emergence of such "Network-CDNs" (NCDNs) are driven by market forces that place more value on content services than just carrying the bits. NCDNs are also necessitated [...]Abstract
Recent advances in traffic engineering offer a series of techniques to address the network problems due to the explosive growth of Internet traffic. In traffic engineering, dynamic path planning is essential for prevalent applications, e.g., load balancing, traffic monitoring and [...]